The most pressing deadline is my friends' wedding next month. They are a supercool couple who don't mind a little levity in their lives, so I'm designing a few things to add some 'zazz' to their wedding, among them, gift bag labels and napkin rings. I swore to myself that by the end of this week, I'd get at least one image to the ready-to-print stage, and here it is:

Sooo...while Ireland is a lovely place, and I'm definitely going to be doing lots of life drawing while I'm there, I'm a little nervous about the timing. I wanted to be able to send out all my mailers right after the conference, but then again, I don't want to be out of reach if anyone tried to contact me. It's not that I'm a total luddite, it's just: who wants to pay for international data charges or be chained to a sticky keyboard in an internet cafe? (Anyone reading this right now who's an art director - hi! I'm out honing my craft! I'll be back soon and delighted to look at all the contracts flooding in - ha ha) So I'll be sending out the mailers after the trip, even if it seems to them like I just sat on my hands a while.
So, are you wondering why I'm going to Ireland NOW? The Ireland trip was postponed back in April, when the volcano in Iceland exploded - we actually woke up the morning we were all packed, set to leave, to talk radio informing us that airspace was closed. This time in August was when everyone else could go, and I do have a very flexible schedule, after all, so who am I to complain?
I'm me, that's who, and I wouldn't be me if I didn't do a little complaining once in a while! *Stomp, stomp, stomp!*
Ok, I feel better.
We now returned to our regularly scheduled programming of all happiness and light, all the time.